"There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, Leads on to fortunes;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life, Bound in shallows and miseries!"
There lines by William Shakespeare, chellenges us to look out for any opportunity for risk -taking, learning and development. And, can there be a place better than a school to learn and grow? School days are the time to become one's best, breathe deep and heave a sigh of relief, flutter wings and fly high, float in the sky of success and smile.
Afraid of failing? Dream big so that small falls do not disturb you. What happens when you dream big? Your adrenalin goes high and energy is created which can be channelized to attain your goal. Albert Einstein used to talk about 7 steps to success: goal, faith, planning, effort, effort, effort and effort! Can there be a sustitute for hard work? Never.
At The HMPEMS Complex, we have such open space to run around and build children's physique that can be a matter of envy to any child in the city school. There are facilities to develop children mentally, too. The students of the present era are natives of the technology. Let's harness this talent and innate ability to create a more efficient and innovative workplace (for example, use less paper). Instead of 'Covering' the courses and syllabuses, let's enable them to 'Discover' the meaning by themselves. Instead of stuffing their minds bagful of information, how about challenging the young minds to apply the information through creative and critical thinking?
Education is about envisioning. Visions create realities. The H. M. Patel English Medium Schools' Comples is one such vision turned into a reality. Driven by the passion to inspire rural masses to go for higher studies, in the late 1970s, Late Dr. H. M. Patel, established a set of schools afor education of children from Dharmaj and the peripheral areas to study through English. The idea was to create opportunities for the children in rural areas to acquire proficiency in English so as to have an edge in higher studies. Let's make the most of this opportunity and see our potential development to its best!
Let's a dream world for everybody at our school. How can we do away with the drudgery and dead habits of heavy work-loads, home-work, emotional burden of phobias for everybody students and teachers alike, and make our school a place full of positivity, cheer along with joyful and willing engagement? After all, we spend so much time at school! Suggestions are welcome from all quarters.
Dr. Sulabha Natraj